ISO/IEC workshop to focus on AI standards

How standards are addressing emerging AI regulations will be among the key themes of the upcoming event.

Organised by the joint IEC and ISO committee for AI, SC 42, the online workshop held on 3 and 4 June will feature presentations from international AI luminaries about applications, trends, challenges and opportunities as the technology develops.

The first day will explore efforts to support responsible AI adoption, with updates on global regulations and requirements. This session will also include updates on how the management system standard for AI, ISO/IEC 42001, is being deployed in different countries. Discussions on AI safety and how open-source communities can work with international standards organisations in this area will be incorporated. Other topics include certification and compliance alongside several standards related to data that are being developed.

Day two will examine the transformative effect that AI is having on society. It will look at specific applications of AI and how it is revolutionising the healthcare industry, with insights from experts in the medical and life sciences sector. The session will then delve into how AI is also being used to contribute to sustainability efforts, how AI systems can be sustainable themselves and the critical role that international standards can play in achieving these goals.

SC 42 Chair Wael William Diab said the workshop series is intended to gather world leaders in AI to discuss how the technology can be used for the better.

“Our panelists come from a wide range of sectors and [bring] expertise from all over the world to give us a holistic view of where the technology is at from both an innovation and regulatory perspective,” said Diab. “This helps to reinforce and inform the standardisation work we are doing that features a wide portfolio of standards to support the safe and responsible deployment of AI applications.”

SC 42 develops international standards for Artificial Intelligence. Its holistic approach considers the entire AI ecosystem, by looking at technology capability and non-technical requirements, such as business, regulatory and policy requirements, application domain needs, and ethical and societal concerns.

Those interested in joining the workshop can register here. Or learn more about the sessions here.